Snak contains an easy to use Address Book that is intended to store the small snippets of information that you come across as you IRC. Someones real name, birthday, email address, favorite channel. . . .
To access the Address Book use the Windows/Address Book menu. That will bring up the Address Book window, where you will see the list of records that has been defined, and a number of fields that will display the record information.
Like the preference window, the Address Book window is dynamic and you do not need do anything special to save the information you enter into a Address Book record
Select a record in the list to display it, or press New to create a new one.
To store information just start filling out the fields. The only required field is the nick.
The program will automatically save any changes that you may have made to a record as soon as you select another record, make a new record or close the Address Book window.
There can not be more than one record with the same nick.
The user list in the Address Book window supports Drag and Drop from the user list in a channel window. If Snak knows the user and host information for the dragged user, it will be stored in the "notes" field.